Recently, our School Counselor, Julia Larson and our Director of Student Services & Head of Early Childhood, Megan Thornburgh did a presentation of growth and development. This presentation was guided by the book Yardsticks by Chip Wood. MCDS families learned about how our students are growing and what social emotional milestones may be in their future. Each grade, PreK-4, was talked about but a point was made to ensure each family knew that each child will reach these milestones at different times. After each grade's milestones, parents were given tips for how they can support their student at home. Please see below for some of those helpful tips!

Pre-K: Our youngest learners need consistent routines, rules and discipline. These students respond well to clear and simple expectations.
Kindergarten: Kindergartners appreciate guided choices that allow them to make decisions for themselves.
Grade 1: First graders require a lot of reassurance from parents and teachers. Talking about their feelings and validating those feelings is an important step to helping with their anxiety.
Grade 2: Peer approval becomes important at this age. Second graders (and most students) benefit from short exercise breaks when they seem inattentive. They also thrive in group activities. How you can make hard tasks easier by doing them together.
Grade 3: Third graders enjoy inappropriate jokes and exaggerations. They need patience and humor from adults to help relieve their anxiety. If you haven't already, talking about technology and setting boundaries with devices is important.
Grade 4: Our oldest learners in our Lower School need homework support as we prepare them for middle school next year. Taking time to ask them about their perspectives and the 'why' behind their answers will up their self-esteem and help them to feel more confident in the classroom.