Scott Nagle P’22, Chair
Retired cardiothoracic radiologist, UW Health
Tracy Koziol P’27, ’29, ’30, Vice Chair
Former family medicine physician, now community organizer
Andrew Rittenhouse P’31, ’32, Treasurer
Owner, Rittenhouse Brothers; Realtor, Sprinkman Real Estate
Lindsay Ferris P’22, Secretary
Director of Brand Strategy, UW Health
James Hallick P’22, ’24, Immediate Past Board Chair
President, Hallick Holdings
Carolyn Chandler
Former Head of School, Education Consultant, Partner, Strategic School Leadership, LLC
Anne Daugherty-Leiter P'30
Attorney; Executive Director, YogAutism, Inc.
Ibrahima Doumbya, P’23, P’26
Human Resource Development Practitioner
Laurel Frazer P’24, ’25, ’28
Former attorney now focused on motherhood, philanthropy, and volunteerism
Sobia Kirmani-Moe P’16, ’18, ’21, ’25
Pediatric psychiatrist and social worker at Collaborative Solutions in Psychiatry
Mona Muldowney P’14, ’18, ’20
Administrative Director, Biomedical Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Lauren Powell P’32, ’32
Corporate Legal Vice President; Assistant Secretary, American Family Insurance
Linda Yu, Board P’23, ’28
Dean, College of Business, Utah Tech University
“P” designates “Parent”